Tuesday, January 22, 2008

PhotoTechEDU Digital Photography Technology Short Course Videos - Google Tech Talks on YouTube

Here is a series of video classes given at Google campus covering many subjects in Digital Photography and Imaging - the class series is called PhotoTechEDU - online at YouTube - in the Google Tech Talk topical section.

This series of engineering grade lectures covers in depth many aspects of digital imaging, image processing/ editing and photography.

The main entry to all of Google Tech Talks is linked above in the blog post title

The YouTube PhotoTechEDU videos are linked below .... you will need a broadband connection

PhotoTechEDU Day 1: Photo Technology Overview

PhotoTechEDU Day 2: Photo Technology Overview Continued
PhotoTechEDU Day 3: Ray Tracing, Lenses, and Mirrors
PhotoTechEDU Day 4: Contrast, MTF, Flare, and Noise
PhotoTechEDU Day 5: Silicon Image Sensors
PhotoTechEDU Day 6: Digital Camera Image Processing...
PhotoTechEDU Day 7: Lossy Image Compression
PhotoTechEDU Day 8: Diffraction and Interference in Imaging
PhotoTechEDU Day 9: Amateur Astrophotography
PhotoTechEDU Day 10: Image Compression Part 2
PhotoTechEDU Day 11: Document Image Analysis with Leptonica
PhotoTechEDU Day 12: High Dynamic Range Image Capture
PhotoTechEDU Day 14: Exposing Digital Forgeries from...
PhotoTechEDU Day 16: Multi-viewpoint Mosaics
PhotoTechEDU Day 18: Non-destructive, Selective, Editing...
PhotoTechEDU Day 19: Inkjet printing...
PhotoTechEDU Day 22: Measuring, Interpreting and...
PhotoTechEDU Day23: Raw Files and Formats
PhotoTechEDU Day 25: Open-source-based high-resolution...
PhotoTechEDU Day 26: Image quality testing and...
PhotoTechEDU Day27: Focus on Resolution
PhotoTechEDU Day 28: "Capturing more Light": Pragmatic...
PhotoTechEDU Day 29: Photographing VR Panoramas
PhotoTechEDU Day 30: Imaging optics for the next decade
PhotoTechEDU Day 31 - Color Balance: Babies, Rugs & Sunsets


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