Thursday, June 22, 2006

Dennis Dauenhauer's history of the pressure sensor business

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

and you thought you needed to gas up too often

Amazing feat of 3000+ miles per gallon from an experimental car developed by University of British Columbia engineering student team. Check out the article at PHYSORG
And the supermileage engineering contest web page here

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Von Ardenne's Rotating Magnetron Sputter Cathode

Below is a description of the Von Ardenne Rotatable Magnetron Sputter Cathode. Sputter cathodes are used to provide vapor fluxes for thin film coating in vacuum. Precise and adherent coatings.

The rationale for the rotating tube source cathode is to increase cathode material utilization and is a specific counterpoint to why developing one's own rotating cathode as part of a startup strategy is a rather expensive development effort, not part of critical path to a film based manufacturing strategy.

Sputter source for high-rate coating of large-area substrates in linear motion with metallic and insulating layers, preferably applied in production and pilot plants

* Sputter source consists of two rotatable cathode tubes with magnetic system and with two Endblocks for drive, power supply and cooling edge
* External drive, cooling water and power supply
* Compact target tubes or basic tube with bonded, sprayed or cast target material
* Direct target cooling
* Option: Single Rotatable Magnetron, sputter source with single target tube

* Target utilization 70 to 80 %
* Target ext. diameter 145 to 160 mm
* Target inner diameter 125 mm
* Target length, in steps of 50 mm 1,000 to 3,850 mm
* Power supply, MF, max. 200 kW
* MF current, max. 400 A

Rotatable Magnetron Sputter Source RDM, developed and manufactured by VON ARDENNE
Clearly the curious question to ask is - Why develop your own rotating tubular magnetron?

Monday, June 12, 2006

American Ethanol Biorefinery Locations

This web site is at the Renewable Fuels Association.
The ethanolrfa web page indicates - present and new plants currently under construction, for Ethanol processing capacity, and is presently all corn based.

also check out Rob Day's blog - CleanTech Investing

Friday, June 09, 2006

Beautiful Microscope Picture of Fluorescing Genes

The is a beautiful micrograph of a rosette of maturing asci (meiotic cells) of Neurospora crassa, from Wild type x histone H1-GFP.

Histone H1 being a chromosomal protein, the GFP-tagged nuclei (two per spore at this stage) glow in four of the eight ascospores of each ascus; the remaining four ascospores carry the untagged nuclei from the wild-type parent.

Photo Posted with permission of Dr. Namboori B. Raju, Stanford University

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